Conditions Treated
The conditions treated are not limited to these but these are some of the most common conditions seen and treated by our care team at Equilibrio Health:
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Chronic fatigue
- Musculo-skeletal and Joint Pain
- Cognitive Decline
- Sleep Challenges
- High cholesterol
- Pre-Diabetes
- Diabetes
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Obesity
- Anxiety/Stress
- Thyroid conditions
- Hormone Dysregulation
- Premature Aging
At Equilibrio Health, you’ll be joined by a care team of a dedicated doctor, health coaches, physical therapists, and fitness professionals to ensure the fastest return back to health.
As such, our comprehensive approach under the guidance of Dr. Loree Pinnavaia is based on the following:
- The most appropriate functional lab testing, nutritional and lifestyle upgrades, mindset transformations, and necessary supplement support.
- Holistically oriented, focusing on mind, body, and spirit
- Focuses on optimal health – not just the absence of symptoms or dis-ease
- Requires patient to take an active role in health creation
- Acknowledges multi-factorial nature of a complex situation, requiring a multi-dimensional approach
- A preference for natural, non-toxic therapies – harnessing the body’s ability to heal itself
How It Works
We provide episodes of care over the course of 4-8 months depending on the severity of your situation. Most of our patients experience significant improvements to their wellness within a few weeks of starting to work with our care team.
Intial Consultation
In-depth 60-minute intake visit with Dr. Pinnavaia
30- to 60-minute visits over the course of 4-8 months:
- 4 Lifestyle and Nutrition Consultations
- Lab Review
- 2 Clinical Follow-ups
- 2 Flex Appointments
- Health Education Seminars
Community & Support
Unlimited email contact with doctors and coaches for quick conversations, plus group education on lifestyle modifications and program binder.